If your GHDVR369 Dash Camera is stuck on the "Boot-up" / "Start-up" screen, then please follow the instructions below. 1) Remove the power cable from your dash cam and turn your dash cam off. 2) Install an SD card into your computer & back up anything on that SD card you want to save. 3) Format your SD card in your computer. 4) Save the following 3 files from this web page to your formatted SD card. FW888SA.bin goodbye.jpg welcome.jpg https://tdj.com.au/firmware/Gator/DVR%20Dash%20Cams/GHDVR369/FIRMWARE%20FOR%20HANNGING%20LOGO/ 5) Safely eject SD card from your computer. 6) Remove the SD card from your computer, then put the SD card back into your dash camera. 7) Turn your car accessories on and reconnect power cable to the dash camera. 8) Make sure you DO NOT press power button or any other button, Leave dash camera alone for 5 minutes. The dash camera may look like as though there is no power and doing nothing, but as soon as you connect the power cable to your dash camera the software on the SD card is being loaded to your dash camera. Pushing buttons may interupt the loading of the software and can cause problems. The screen should eventually change from a black screen to a red screen. Once the video image on the screen is showing what is infront of the dash cam, the dash cam will now be recording. Press the bottom right hand side "OK" button to stop the recording. Go to your menu and format the SD card. If you do not format your SD card, then every time you reconnect power to your camera then the software will be re-loaded.